Github Search
This is a one page project where I used the GitHub API to search for users and display their information. It was given to me by the company where I follow my full-stack web development learning path, as a challenge to make it look like in the design files and to work with this given API.
I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and it is deployed on Render. It is built with a mobile-first approach, making it responsive on all devices. I also used CSS Flexbox to create the layout, and as in all of my projects, I used variables and utility classes to make the code more readable, reusable, and maintainable.
I also used Git to version control the project, GitHub to host the project and as a build tool I used WebPack. Give it a try using the below link, but remeber it is deployed on a free-tier Render account, so be patient, it might take a few seconds to wake up.
Also, the free GitHub API is rate limited to 60 requests per hour, so you might get an error page from GitHub. The app will use those 60 requests pretty fast, because of the way the search functionality works. The requests happen after each character input, because this was a requirement from my DEV mentors, to build a live search and display the results as soon as possible. Please don't give it more than 60 requests per hour.