Advice App
This is a project given to me as a challenge by the company, where I follow my full-stack web development learning path. I had to recreate the design to be as close as possible to the original template and to work with the given API. The API is a random advice generator, and the design is a simple one-page website.
To achieve this, I used HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript recreating this advice generator app. It is built with a mobile-first approach, making it responsive on all devices. I used CSS Flexbox to recreate the layout, and as in all of my projects, I used variables and utility classes to make the code more readable, reusable, and maintainable.
I also used Git to version control the project, and GitHub to host the project. Continuing the development of this advice generator app I used Firebase to deploy the project, on a subdomain of my portfolio website.
As a build tool I used WebPack to bundle the project, and Babel to transpile the JavaScript code. Although the API is a public one and it doesn't require any authentication, I used .ENV to simulate a private API, and to hide the API key.
Give it a try using the link below.